Let's make it Vapefree

Connect to Hā

Welcome to our

A podcast series that helps you connect to hā

In te reo Māori, hā is the kupu or word for breath. This series is all about the importance of hā and how it fuels everything you do. Follow along for ways to take a moment to pause, connect to our breath, and think about how hā is part of everything we do.


CHeck yourself

A body scan meditation so you can check in with yourself, your breath, and where you're at.

Connect to breath

A wānanga of hā, connecting to our breath and thinking about how it's part of everything we do.

POwer up

A meditation focusing on a deep breathing technique for when you're feeling stressed or anxious.

Find Balance

A quick meditation focusing on finding balance through breath.

Power play

A meditation for when you're out on a walk and how we can connect to our breath and the world.

Tihei Mauri ora

An episode that explores the precious gift of hā through a pūrākau.